Lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as acid or LSD, is possibly the most well known psychedelic drug. Popularized by the 1960s counterculture, Microdot Acid made its way into pop culture with public figures like the Beatles admitting to using it. The chemical was also the subject of a wide range scientific study throughout the 20th century, including the CIA’s illegal and controversial Project MKUltra. First of all, microdots are not very small, or microscopic. It is a small ball-shaped pill about the size of a plastic headed pin, and contains LSD. Often, it comes in an oval shape, is typically brittle and a strong crack nut. For a newbie the most fitting dosage should not be more than a tenth. These used to be very potent so an inexperienced tripper wouldn’t recommend a whole one. Microdot Acid
Microdosing is when drugs are tested by administering “sub-perceptual” doses for their pharmacological effects. Sub-perceptual means the poisoning consciousness is below the point of conscious perception. Even the offender is not aware that the medication is doing him.
However the “effective” dosage produces a full effect, microdosing is only necessary to produce a partial effect. The psychedelic doses are not enough to make the individual fly, so they remain fully functioning, improving their mental and physical abilities.
You ‘re not flying for a microdose! You don’t have headaches, or you might sense a laod in your body. They are entirely functioning at 100 per cent as the degree of addiction is sub-perceptual.